Melvin Feller Discusses Promoting Your Business with Internet Marketing

Melvin Feller understand Online Marketing
Melvin Feller understand Online Marketing
Melvin Feller both a business owner of online and offline businesses, knows the importance of utilizing today's technology. Having taught business classes as an adjunct using online tools, he is adamant about teaching others the ways to success in business. Melvin Feller has over 20 years’ experience in the online business world.

The development and implementation of a successful marketing plan for your newly launched internet business is key to its overall potential for success. In the world of eCommerce, competition is fierce, and growing stronger with each passing day. Virtually every aspect of your organization’s planning — site design, development, service and product offerings, pricing, market selection — will be carefully watched, and potentially incorporated by entrepreneurial minds searching for additional opportunities. How do you stay ahead of the pack, ensuring your operations staying power? With a well-organized array of consistently improving products, services, and marketing components.
Melvin Feller Online Marketing Tips
Melvin Feller Online Marketing Tips
The keys to successfully created brand awareness on the web are innumerable. In today’s eCommerce world, fiscal responsibility and control are an imperative, an experience taught by the dot com failures of recent years. The days of exorbitant spending on web-based advertising, without relative gains in the overall profit margin are long gone, though the opportunities to spend magnificent sums of money on an infinite variety of marketing approaches are not.

Preparing an effective, and targeted internet marketing strategy requires a number of elements. Knowledge of your target group. Awareness of available mediums for communicating to that market, be it via the internet, or otherwise. And the final imperative — a keen insight into what it is that motivates that market, grabs their immediate attention, and brings them over the line, from looker to buyer.

Commonly, online operations utilize in-house creativity to develop a successful methodology of communication. They understand their market through and through, and via that knowledge have created an outstanding message to brand and define their company within that marketplace. The question that most often arises within those groups new to the internet economy is where to go from there.

Several options are:

Affiliate Programs:
Affiliate programs provide the developing online business a potential for exponential traffic, directed to your site via operators in all areas of expertise. The creation of traffic is a daunting, and at times potentially expensive proposition for the newcomer to the market. Competition is fierce, and the cost-effective acquisition of customers can be the most challenging aspect of achieving success.
Melvin Feller Marketing
Melvin Feller Marketing
By developing an affiliate program, you create an immediate interest in other online entrepreneurs to promote your site, and products at their property. Unlike most advertising propositions, there is little up-front cost involved. Instead, an agreement is reached to share any revenues generated from that property with its owners. Generally, the only direct cost associated with setup is an account deposit with the party managing your program for you.

There are a variety of services available to assist you in the implementation of an affiliate offering on your site. Software packages are available to allow the developer to incorporate the affiliate program onto their own servers, which then requires the site owner manage it as well.
The alternative is online services that provide back to front management of the program on your behalf, including affiliate signup, tracking, and payment. The benefits associated with this system are a considerably lighter workload, as well as exposure of your program to all visitors at their central directory. This can be of strong value in making your program effective, and profitable, in a relatively short time-frame.
Melvin Feller Growth Ideas
Melvin Feller Growth Ideas
When developing a program, there are a few key items to keep in mind, to ensure its popularity and profitability. The first step should be to comparison shop other programs selling products or services similar to your own. What are they offering their affiliates? Is it pay per click, a straight fee, or a % of sales? What % are they paying? Are there incentives based on overall volume? What other steps do they take to promote webmaster interest in prominently placing their links?

Submission to Other Key Sites:

Since the dawn of the popular internet, and the growth of interest in being online, there have been those who have dedicated their time and efforts to the review of new web-based properties. These critics have in turn garnered the respect and interest of web travelers everywhere, folks practically begging for information on the freshest new properties.

Submitting your newly developed internet wonder can be rewarding in more ways than one. Firstly, there is the infinite satisfaction of being recognized for the serious efforts applied in the preparation of your web project. Secondly, there exists the potential for traffic.

Award sites that have been in operation for some time can deliver the selected “site of the day” thousands of visitors in a very short period of time. Their online, and email publications are in demand, and those in receipt of the information waste no time in visiting the newest web commodity. Some sites offer no cost submission, while others may charge a range of fees depending on time of review. As in many pay per service internet areas, payment does not promise the featuring of your site, merely its review.
Melvin Feller Online Ideas
Melvin Feller Online Ideas
When considering such a submission, it does the business owner good to keep in mind that all things are not what they seem. Many internet-based award sites are merely intended to draw you, and your site visitors to their site, via visual awards that must be placed at your property in order for you to be considered. The traffic given in return is often minimal, and not worthy of the additional download time on your site relative to the added graphics.

Banner Advertising:

In recent years, banner advertising has experienced a plunge in popularity. The reasons for this shift in advertising interest was simple — banner advertising was not delivering on its initial promise to draw hordes of traffic, and the costs then associated did not reflect the true value of the medium.
This is not to say that banner advertising has gone the way of the dinosaur. Certainly, there are other means that have proven to be more effective, with higher pricing that reflects that value, but banner advertising continues to offer an opportunity to introduce and brand your product within your target market. It’s ongoing prevalence in the marketplace is a clear indicator of its potential. The key to the creation of a successful and reasonable campaign is to ensure that the expenditure involved reflects the actual bottom line impact the advertising will have.

When reviewing a potential banner ad campaign, be it through an advertising network, or within a site complimentary to your line, take care to assess the package thoroughly, breaking down costs to an expected price per delivered visitor. This can be accomplished by utilizing a conversion rate from impressions to visits of about .5%. Some campaigns can deliver returns as high as 1%, but in assessment of a marketing expense, it always pays to play it safe.
Melvin Feller and Banner Ads
Melvin Feller and Banner Ads
Once you have determined an approximate cost per visitor, compare that cost to achieving traffic through pay per click search engines, based on the current bids for keywords relevant to your product and/or service. If you find value in the offer, take care to develop a banner that draws the attention of your market, as design can make the difference between a profitable campaign, and yet another wasted expenditure.

Banner exchanges offer an additional opportunity for the internet business owner to create awareness, at no cost. These common systems vary in their offering, but generally guarantee the site owner willing to place the banners of other operators on their site a ratio of 1:2, or one of your banners shown elsewhere in exchange for delivering two impressions at your property.

Though a cost-efficient manner of generating some exposure, banner exchanges have their negative side as well. Many systems have insufficient controls, which can result in direct competitors actually gaining exposure on your site. As well, there is a sense among those experienced with internet business that users of an exchange program are “small time”, which can later impact your ability to negotiate effective partnership agreements.

Content Sharing:

A primary goal in the development of a successful web property is the inclusion of high-quality content of value to your organization’s target market. The assembly of such content can be a significant endeavor, requiring in depth research, writing, review, and editing of the information to be presented to your visitor’s critical eye.

Once the process of developing your site’s content is complete, and the information is placed on your server for consideration by both your potential clientele, and the almighty search engine spiders, many newcomers to the industry presume themselves to be getting maximum value from their efforts. This is, in fact, not the case.
Melvin Feller Content Sharing
Melvin Feller Content Sharing
The market for usable content on the web is growing as quickly as the internet itself. Many site operators, heavily focused on either the development side of the business, or the customer satisfaction and retention end, have little time to devote to the continued creation of articles and information. Though they may lack the means, they do not fail to understand the value of presenting fresh material to their visitors on a regular basis. Doing so can have a significant impact on the ability of any site to generate a high level of repeat traffic, a mainstay of any internet operation.

With this key to success so clearly ingrained in the minds of webmasters everywhere, the world of content sharing presents itself, hoping to fill the need for on-site information, without any of the time restrictions that self-development can entail.

Content sharing can take many forms on the internet. Often, deals are struck between complementary projects to share articles, media, or even software-based add-ons, in exchange for mention of the provider’s site address, or a reciprocal provision of some sort. Other available options include the submission of your site’s content to news feed-based organizations who will distribute topical headlines to interested parties across the internet. Included in those articles are direct links back to your project, as a sort of payment for services by the news feed operator. A third potential, one of growing popularity, is the provision of articles to complementary newsletters, who will again feature your site link in exchange for the sharing of your article with their readers.

Utilizing services that provide a means to share your content, thus promoting awareness of your web-based project, can be an excellent means of establishing your company within the minds of potential clients, and industry leaders across your market.

When developing your property’s content management and sharing strategies, keep your goals in mind. Though there exist many large organizations focused on presenting your content to the world, it is often true that the most lucrative of sharing arrangements are those made directly between complimentary properties, both focused on the provision of customer value, and the creation of future growth.

Email Marketing:

Email based advertising has taken the internet eCommerce world by storm. Currently considered one of the best available investments in web-based promotion, email ads have proven themselves to be both affordable, with a strong return on investment potential.

Utilizing email as a marketing tool can involve a wide variety of methodologies, goals, and results. Covering the gambit of advertising intent, email promotions are used to introduce new properties and products, acquire new customers, refresh relations with previous purchasers, announce contests, and in general, develop positive relationships with markets of all shapes and sizes.

Email List Rental:

Melvin Feller and Emails
Melvin Feller and Emails
Email based advertising presents a level of flexibility that is hard to match in other environments. Many available lists are well targeted, with a known demographic, and click through rate. This allows the savvy marketer to carefully research, locate, and sell to a group with a known interest in their products or service. Arranging a company specific mailing to a specific market via a rented list can be an expensive proposition, but done correctly can quickly and efficiently create awareness of your new online property, and sales of your product. Many list managers also provide opportunities to buy ad space within a topical mailing, a means of reducing costs associated by sharing in the expense with other advertisers.

Ezine Advertising:

An increasingly popular form of email-based advertising is the purchase of ad space within one or more of the thousands of regularly distributed ezines on the market. These ezines can have subscriber bases running into the hundreds of thousands, and a well-placed, market specific text ad can draw a strong click through rate to your property, and products. The ezines are generally subject oriented, creating a simple means of targeting a group with a natural interest in your product line. This form of advertising can often provide the budget minded entrepreneur an affordable opportunity to create awareness of their web property. Many ezines even offer free ads to subscribers, as an incentive to grow their readership, allowing for pay for inclusion ad rates down the road.


As the demand for targeted and effective advertising venues continues to grow, so does the ability of service providers to institute ads directed at very specific markets.

Keyword bidding is commonly related to the growing pay per click, or pay per placement search engines, but there exist marketing opportunities that allow for the placement of ads, text based or otherwise, that are sourced only during specific keyword queries.

The value inherent in these advertising options is strongly dependent upon your ability to correctly target, and communicate with your market.

One provider of such a service is Google Ad Words. Achieving a listing is very similar in nature to pay per click-based keyword bidding, with the exception that the end result is a text-based ad to the right of the usual search results relative.

Payment for services is based upon the positioning of your ad, which is dependent upon the number of advertisers who have chosen to associate with that keyword. Google will even generate an estimate of costs associated with specific keywords, based upon previous search volumes for that term.
As in all ad-based marketing efforts, the copy of your advertisement can play a strong role in its overall click through rate, and thus its effectiveness in promoting your property. Take the time to carefully develop your ad, and be willing to experiment with different ads to allow for some response rate comparisons.

Link Exchanges:

The exchange of direct links between internet properties is a time-honored tradition on the web, one that continues today. Doing so can garner two parties with complimentary sites some exposure, increases in traffic, and improved overall link popularity ratings — a key to enhanced listings on certain spider-based search engines.

The end result of a link exchange depends on a number of variables. Visibility of the link. Organization of the links area. The number of links being carried overall. The search engine listings achieved by the link exchange parties.

When searching for a potentially valuable link exchange, keep link popularity top of mind. Look for sites that appear on the spider-based search engines, thus ensuring that your link placement will be found, positively impacting your site’s link popularity. Try to determine sites that maintain a solid traffic base, and an easy to find, and navigate links area.

Placing the expected reciprocal link on your site can also present certain challenges. Many of the larger web properties no longer incorporate link pages into their design, believing that in not doing so, an aura of professionalism is maintained. As well, for many eCommerce-based sites, the idea of representing other sites offering products and/or services of any kind presents a level of competitive discomfort that simply cannot be ignored.
Melvin Feller and Links
Melvin Feller and Links
In choosing to incorporate a links area within your site, ensure that a level of professionalism is maintained. Only support listings for properties that are both complimentary, and non-offensive to your client base. Keep the area well organized, and if necessitated by the number of links, categorized. Update your page regularly, to ensure that all links are active.

If you want to participate in the area of link exchange, but are not comfortable in presenting a “links” page within your property, give consideration to incorporating the partner sites into your search results. Utilizing a search engine provider whose software can also spider, and incorporate, results from sites outside your domain is an excellent means of making your partner’s site information available to your clientele, when requested, without clearly advertising that your property maintains a link exchange.

Developing your internet business’ link partners list can be an arduous task, at best. Researching complimentary sites, with sufficient traffic numbers, and listing potentials, can at times seem to be like finding the proverbial needle in the haystack. But don’t despair! There are a number of software available whose specialty is the scouring of the internet; sourcing properties whose nature matches specifications you indicate as of interest. Online has also sourced available services, whose sole purpose is to maintain your links pages, ensuring each link is active, that your link has been activated at the other end, even rotating links to ensure equal coverage for all your partners.


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