Be the Best You can Be! Follow Your Goals!

 Be the Best You can Be! Follow Your Goals!

As a business person, running Melvin Feller Business Group and other ventures, I have always had an incredible drive to work hard. I am motivated and driven and focused on getting an incredible amount done, and all of it is positive, nonetheless my problem lies in fact that I regularly don’t know how to put things down and stop working for the night. There is always one more email, one more phone call, one more contract to review, and the list goes on and on and on. Often times it’s so late at night when I finish working that I only have time to eat a late meal and go right to bed, only to wake up early the next morning and start over again.

As a person, I get so busy with being busy that I forget the importance of balance in one’s life. I forget the need to step back occasionally, take a deep breath, meditate, take a walk, and enjoy the smell of the Roses.

In the meantime, I wanted to share with you my uppermost goals for the last quarter of the year — for my life in general. I hope this will inspire you to take a look at your own goals for 2020 and see if you would want to add some of these to your list. I pray this list inspires you to make taking care of yourself while you also consider those around you. Remember, at the end of the day, or the end of your life, these are the things that really matter!
  1. Drink plenty of water.
  1. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
  1. Spend a few minutes talking to each member of your family often.
  1. Do the right thing!


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