Melvin Feller MA and Secrets of Success in Life and in Business

Would you like to realize your goals? Maybe you would like to run your own business, expand your material possessions, or succeed in the arts. There is no one path to the pot of gold, but many people of all backgrounds have successfully found it.

Whether you want to follow the ways of the great financiers, the famous politicians, or the dynamic movie stars, there are common modes of behavior each of them followed.
Melvin Feller MA and Secrets of Success
Moreover, in many cases, they have shared their secrets so YOU CAN FOLLOW THEIR FOOTSTEPS.

“If you wish to know the road up the mountain, ask the person who goes back and forth on it,” said the ancient sage, Zenrin.

What better way is there to know the secrets than to ask those who made it? What goals do you want to achieve? In addition, what amount of effort can you commit? You may want money for the extra things in life, money to build a corporate empire, or money to support yourself while you pursue the fine arts.

Perhaps you would like to take the risk to start something new in your life. You may want to open your own business, devote your energies to an artistic career such as acting, or reap the benefits of your yearly endeavors with fabulous vacations several times a year.

What will bring you happiness? The satisfaction of success takes many forms. Not only are people seeking financial fortunes, but also the ancient goal of peace of mind.

Do you worry? You might be concerned about your health or your family’s well-being. You may be anxious about the added expenses of education, medical bills, or the steady increase of cost of living.

There are ways out of the endless cycles of worry, stress and anxiety. Right now, you can rise above the whirl of survival to achieve the accomplishments you dream of! When you are for-real ready to put your whole effort into realizing your goals, YOU WILL SUCCEED.

What are Riches?

“Had I but plenty of money, money enough to spare,” wrote Robert Browning. Moreover, money is the greatest attribute of riches. A universal desire, money is the materialization of riches, the stuff that makes the rest possible.

Are you looking for financial security? For retirement, for education or leisure? Riches are the overflowing abundance of material possessions- houses, cars, boats, furnishings- everything you ever wanted.
Melvin Feller MA and Secrets of Success
Centuries ago, Horace wrote, “By right means, if you can, but by any means, make money.” For many people it is a path towards happiness, a cure-all for worry and peace of mind.

For others, riches come in the form of satisfaction and personal independence. Satisfaction comes from accomplishment in employment or attaining goals. It is that feeling of contentment and confidence from a good task well done. Riches are closely linked with success.

In addition, with that comes fame and acknowledgment of position. Success might be the feeling of well-being from the rewards of good effort. Alternatively, the enthusiasm and vitality triggered by recognition. “Success is how well I enjoy the minutes,” said producer Norman Lear.

Throughout history, the people who lived with riches often achieved them by hard work, diligence and a belief in themselves. For some people, it took courage, genius and stamina.
Nevertheless, for many others, it took nothing special but the desire to turn dreams into reality. 

Whether you want millions of dollars, recognition as an artist, or personal freedom, you have the ability to make your life as rich as you want. Think about what you most desire. It may not be hard cash, but what it can buy.

On the other hand, it may be those feelings of inner satisfaction, from creating something beautiful or strong. You may want personal independence from the workweek, or freedom to live anywhere you want.

You may be looking for something meaningful and significant in life- something other than things money can buy.

Whatever your goals, and however difficult they seem to be to accomplish, you have the ability to become who you want.

Take a look- can you see yourself surrounded by riches?

Picture the world open and in front of you, ready to become the form of your dreams, ready to stage your desires. “Why then, the world’s mine oyster,” wrote Shakespeare, “which I with sword will open.”

Who is Successful?

Many people who achieve fortune in the world are not born rich. However, they accomplished it through hard work and a plan of action. Every type of person on earth can become successful.
Melvin Feller MA and Secrets of Success
There are saints and scoundrels; philanthropists and poets and politicians; young and old. There are no limitations or physical boundaries for success.

Success comes to those who deeply think about success and constantly strive for it! Although many rich financiers at the turn of the century had no formal education, they overcame that and went on to great fame.

Some people strive towards a single goal from early in life, and often attain that goal while still young. Others are willing to risk new adventures later and still attain success. “It’s never too late to learn,” wrote Malcolm Forbes, the money magnate. “I learned to ride a motorcycle at 50 and fly balloons at 52.”

Whatever your task, whatever your obstacles, you can be as successful as anyone else can. Study the people who accomplished recognition in the areas of your pursuit.

How did they achieve their goals? Moreover, do not be afraid you do not have what it takes. As Daniel Webster wrote, “There is always room at the top.”


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