
Showing posts from July, 2019

Melvin Feller MA Looks at How To Improve Your Current Business Leadership Team

Melvin Feller MA Looks at How To Improve Your Current Business Leadership Team Melvin Feller MA Looks at How To Improve Your Team When you look at your company, you see leaders that can get things done and really motivate the people around them. Supervisors, forepersons, managers, and executives all have a major impact on your company. However, what if those leaders suddenly left? What happens when those stars go out? Do you have qualified employees that could fill the gap? Is your bench deep enough to play on and win the game? Have you prepared your top performers to be the leaders of tomorrow? One of the measures of healthy organizations is how comfortable they feel replacing key leadership positions with their own employees. Unfortunately, most of us only look at the people standing right in front of us, and when something happens we make a mad scramble to survive. Leadership development should not be restricted to existing leaders. Having a healthy popul...

Is Your Success based on Other Things by Melvin Feller MA

Is Your Success based on Other Things by Melvin Feller MA Melvin Feller MA I am sure you have heard of a contingency clause in a real estate contract. Contingency clauses are clauses that say, “If that happens then this can happen” some common contingency clauses include. Offer contingent on buyer obtaining financing Offer contingent on the sale of the home at 1111 Maple Valley Offer contingent on buyer approval of inspections Those are examples of the ways that contingencies are used in real estate contracts. Nevertheless, did you know that contingencies could be holding you back from experiencing true success both in life and as a real estate investor? Our economic conditions have resulted in many of us using contingencies to unknowingly limit ourselves in many areas of our lives. The main differences between the two are that real estate contingencies have “Real world” constraints while the contingencies that we place on ourselves have no basis ...

Melvin Feller MA Discusses Why it is better to Wholesale then Being a Landlord.

I thought I might share some lessons and observations that I have made while being a property owner. Melvin Feller MA Discusses Why it is better to wholesale I swear on at least two of my Tenants graves… EVERYONE of these things really did happen and by the way, shame on you for thinking the only reason I stuck with wholesaling was I wanted easy money. 1. If someone is shot in your house, regular carpet cleaner (Resolve) does not work to remove the nasty stuff that comes out when you are shot. In addition, even crackheads will puke when they smell it. Melvin Feller MA Discusses Why it is better to wholesale 2. Normal people do not want to live in a house where the neighbors have spray painted R.I.P James Smith on the sidewalk. One of my houses did. 3. If a tenant calls and begins the conversation with “I have always liked you”, or ” I hope you are having a blessed day” it really means “I do not intend on paying rent this month” 4. Wh...

Melvin Feller MA Illustrates Ways to Raise Money For Startup Businesses.

Melvin Feller MA states that capital is one of the first things that need to be taken into consideration when one is setting out on a business venture, and there are many different sources to obtain this capital. It is not necessary to stick to one particular source rigidly; even a combination of various different sources can be made use of. Anyone who is wondering how to raise money for a restaurant, a small business, an advertising agency or any other small-scale venture should keep these methods in mind. Approaching the right people for the money is vitally important for the success of the business, and if this is not catered to properly, the business will be doomed from the very beginning. Personal Savings This is the most obvious source of money for starting a business. If you have saved up enough money over the years, go ahead and make use of it for your business. You will not be answerable to anyone, and you will not have to worry about repaying some...

Melvin Feller MA Asks If You Have What it takes to be Successful.

The single attribute that every successful person has is the one-pointed devotion to attain a goal. “There in the sunshine are my highest aspirations,” wrote Louisa May Alcott, “I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.” What are your desires? How can you form them into definite goals that you can attain? Melvin Feller MA Asks If You Have What it takes to be Successful. Lawrence Peter wrote, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll probably end up somewhere else.” Maybe you are studying a craft or skill. Perhaps you are caught in a rung of the corporate ladder. On the other hand, you might feel constricted by your family and the environment around you. Which star are you reaching for? “Ours is a world where people don’t know what they want and are willing to go through anything to get it,” wrote Don Marquis. Take the time to think about your own aspirations. Look inside to find what feels right. Almost ...

Melvin Feller MA and Secrets of Success in Life and in Business

Would you like to realize your goals? Maybe you would like to run your own business, expand your material possessions, or succeed in the arts. There is no one path to the pot of gold, but many people of all backgrounds have successfully found it. Whether you want to follow the ways of the great financiers, the famous politicians, or the dynamic movie stars, there are common modes of behavior each of them followed. Melvin Feller MA and Secrets of Success Moreover, in many cases, they have shared their secrets so YOU CAN FOLLOW THEIR FOOTSTEPS. “If you wish to know the road up the mountain, ask the person who goes back and forth on it,” said the ancient sage, Zenrin. What better way is there to know the secrets than to ask those who made it? What goals do you want to achieve? In addition, what amount of effort can you commit? You may want money for the extra things in life, money to build a corporate empire, or money to support yourself while you pursue...