Secrets of the Truly Rich and How They Believe by Melvin Feller MA

Secrets of the Truly Rich and How They Believe by Melvin Feller MA

Melvin Feller asks, what are the Success Secrets of the rich and happy? Is there a universal formula to lifelong happiness? Is there an ancient scroll with the secret to accumulating piles of cash and laughing all the way to the bank? If there truly were such a hidden “scroll to success,” it would not include financial spreadsheets and stock tips. It would not talk about exactly what to do to become rich and happy.
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA
Instead, I imagine it would include more noble lessons on who you need to be in order to attract wealth, influential people, resources and opportunities. This scroll would tell curious minds basic principles of the universe, so they can work with the laws of nature instead of against them. In order for such an ancient scroll to have value in today’s world, it would have to discuss humanity on a basis that would last generations. Therefore, a discussion about which technology stock to invest in or the latest tax loophole would not have much value in the long term. Melvin Feller is all about value and adding value to people’s lives no matter who they are!

Whenever, Melvin Feller is asked to speak, he always asks these questions; what do you really want? Seriously, take a moment and think about what specifically would make your life wonderful! What would make you leap out of bed early everyday with jubilance and anticipation equal to a six-year-old on Christmas morning? What are your passions? Is there anything you love to do frequently just because it is fun? What if you have the power within your own mind to create the things you want most in life. What would you create for yourself?

Therefore, here are Melvin Feller’s Secrets of the Truly Rich:

Secret no. 1: Be Totally Responsible for your Success
  • Stop the Blame
  • Stop Blaming the Government
  • Stop Blaming your Family for your Poverty
  • Stop Blaming God for your Misfortunes
Blaming robs you of your power to determine your life. It leads you to inaction. Instead of looking for ways to improve your situation you are paralyzed and you never stop on blaming others for your misery. Do not wait for prosperity from anyone. If you want prosperity, you have to create it yourself. Only you and God working in you can create the wealth you want.
  • You are the product of your Thoughts, Choices, and Habits
Each one of us was given the free will to think, to choose, and to act. Remember that you alone are responsible for your actions. You create your life. You create your dreams. Only you have the power over yourself.
  • Use this to create a new pattern of success.
Your future is in your hands. Start now by changing your destructive habits and create a new pattern of success. Concentrate on the things that you have influence over. Concentrate on what you can do for yourself.
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA
Secret №2: Enlarging your psychological wallet.

Most of us are poor because psychologically we do not want to be rich. Our minds have been programmed to resist money. Our money problems are actually mind problems. Here are some situations why this could be so:
  • Your mind has been conditioned to think that receiving a lot of money is shameful and is against the will of God.
  • You are uncomfortable with money. So when you receive more than what you usually earn, you try to get rid of the excess amount as soon as possible.
  • You parents (the people you grew up with) have made you come to believe that you are poor. Most parents would reprimand their kids telling them not to insist on buying this or that stating that ‘we don’t have money and we are poor’ as the main reason. This somehow conditions the mind of the child to think that he/she is poor.
  • Subconsciously, you could be believing that money is bad, that rich people are evil, and that doing business is dirty. Subconsciously, you are avoiding wealth.
How do you overcome this?
  • You must increase your money comfort zone. You must learn to be comfortable to receive money.
  • One way is to visualize and imagine receiving money. See yourself earning double of what you are earning now. Get comfortable with that.
  • Improve your self-image. At the end of the day, who you are does not count. It is who you THINK you are that determines your SUCCESS.
  • Align your desires with the results that you want. Contradicting desires create contradicting results.
  • Rip out your negative family labels.
  • After you have changed your mindset, it is time to enlarge your skills to match the size of your psychological wallet. Read financial books, ask financial mentors, read personal finance blogs like this one, learn how to invest, start your own business, and reap the benefits of earning passive income.
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA

Secret №3: Get rid of religious beliefs that may be hindering you from accepting money and
becoming financially free. More than you know it, your religious beliefs actually contribute in determining your wealth.

 Melvin Feller states, “Religious beliefs are so deep, so wedged to your core identity, you follow them even if you’re not aware that you’re following them.”

Point #1: Have you romanticized Poverty?

Religion can romanticize poverty. We can be led to think that to be poor is better than to be rich because God favors the poor. We can believe that poor people go to heaven and that rich people go to hell. We must not think this way. Instead, it is true that God loves the poor and favors them but that is because he wants to accompany them in their difficult journey so that they can RISE FROM POVERTY. God does not want you to remain poor!
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA

Point #2: Do you believe that the Rich will not enter Heaven?
God did not say that it is impossible for the rich to enter heaven. God also needs the godly people who will run businesses, give jobs, and bless the world with great services and great products.

Point #3: Do you practice the “I hate myself” Spirituality?
Some people remain poor because they believe they are being punished, that it is the will of God. When God sees us in poverty, He weeps. He does not want to see us suffer.

Point #4: Have you relied on God too much?
Melvin Feller believes that “one of the biggest reasons why we don’t receive God’s blessings is because we rely on Him too much. We surrender to Him what He doesn’t want us to surrender: our stewardship.” Do not expect God to do the very things He expects YOU to do.

Point #5: Do you disguise your laziness as faith?
Most of us wants God to hand us everything on a silver platter, to the extent that we do not exert enough effort to get what we want anymore. Do not confuse faith with your laziness. Faith requires action. God usually uses the sweat, the effort, the tears and the struggle you go through to form your character and give you what you need.

Point #6: Are you obsessed with the Purely Miraculous?
Sometimes we get too obsessed with receiving miracles in our lives. We tend buy lottery tickets and ask God to let us win. Although God sometimes grant these wishes, it would be too much to ask of this every day and simply do nothing in exchange.

Point #7: If your favorite phrase is “I Leave it up to You”.
Religion can cause us to rely on fate too much, leaving everything to God. We must learn to do our parts as well in order to allow God to do his miracles in our lives. God designed us to work and trust — not simply to trust.

The first three Secrets deal with changing our mindsets when it comes to money, wealth, and being rich. The secret will focus on how you can achieve your goals by being committed to your dreams.
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA
Secret №4: Be Completely Committed to Your Dreams

Melvin Feller defines three levels of desire: Wish, Want, and Commitment. When we WISH we just hope for something to happen but actually do nothing to fulfill that wish. Usually, nothing happens at this level. When we WANT something, we put in a little action to fulfill that want. Unfortunately, though, the passion does not last that long and we abandon the goal after a while. The third level is COMMITMENT. When we are committed, we start to believe what we say and we work towards achieving that dream for the long run. If we want to be rich, we have to be COMMITTED.

Melvin Feller also defines three types of living: Moviegoer, Actor, and Actor-Scriptwriter. Moviegoers watch the movies of their lives, admiring some parts and criticizing other parts but aside from that, they do not do anything else. Actors are those that do not only watch the movie of their lives but also realize that they can control a big part of their lives. They enjoy some level of control but they realize that they have no say in such things as deciding the ending of the movie. Actor-Scriptwriters are those that do not only watch, do not only act, but also actually create the entire movie from their minds. They determine what they will say and how the movie will end.

You have the power to create the life you want. Be the scriptwriter of your life.
In committing to your goals and dreams, it is important to do the following:
  1. Write down your Dreams!
  2. Read your Dreams Every day!
  3. Apply the Power of Focus.
  4. Apply the Power of Attraction.
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA
By writing your dreams, you open yourself to life’s river of abundance. Be as detailed as you can get. In addition, when you read what you wrote down daily, you multiply the power of that river tenfold.

If you will do this every day, you will be surprised at how moneymaking opportunities will open up before you. Actually, they are already there, waiting for you to discover them. The universe adjusts to your expectations. So instead of you searching for money, let money search for you. Attract money and become and money magnet.

Secret №5: Raise Your Financial I.Q.
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA
Some people think that buying books or attending seminars about finance / personal finance are a waste of money. However, what these people do not know is that being financially ignorant is actually more expensive! You may be an expert in your current profession but knowing How money works is a totally different field of expertise.

 Lesson 1: Avoid Bad Debt like Bad Bacteria

 Robert Kiyosaki in his bestselling book Rich Dad, Poor Dad explained that bad debt is when we buy things that take money away from our pockets.

 Melvin Feller goes on to suggest the following crucial actions you need to make if you are buried under a lot of debt.
  • Declare your Freedom Day
Set a target date when you want to be debt-free and call if your Freedom Day. Read, think, and pray about it daily. Focus on your freedom and not on all your debts.
  • Create New Ways of Pleasure
Examine your lifestyle and cut back on your expenses. Find new and simple ways of joy, and pleasure. Preferably, find substitutes that are free or much less expensive but that can provide the same level of pleasure or even more.
  • Schedule Your Steps to Freedom
Schedule your debt payments. Start paying off high-interest loans first. Try looking for loans with lower interests, where you can transfer your current high-interest loans.
  • Do not Borrow When You Can’t Afford it — Period!
Melvin Feller also suggests, “Don’t borrow to buy consumer goods ever again. If you don’t have money right now to buy it, then don’t buy it.” If you cannot discipline yourself to use credit cards then get rid of them.
  • Negotiate with Your Creditors
Banks and other lending institutions are ran by human beings after all. Meet with them regularly and assure them that you will pay. Negotiate with them. Ask them if they can lower the interest rate. Do not back down simply because they say it is policy. Everything is negotiable.

Secret №6: Ride Something to Wealth!

Melvin Feller encourages us to ride as many vehicles to wealth. We can choose to ride bicycles, cars, or even airplanes to wealth!
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA
By riding vehicles to wealth, Feller emphasizes the importance of having multiple income streams. It does not matter how small the income stream is as long as there is an inflow of cash. Another point Feller stresses is the importance of profit over wages. Profit, of thought process, is achieved by running your own business as opposed to receiving wages as an employee.

Melvin Feller uses the analogy to going from one place to another to illustrate the importance of riding vehicles to wealth. Let us say you want to get from point A to point B, one can either walk, ride a bicycle, ride a car, or ride an airplane to reach point B. The difference is on how fast each alternative will get you to your destination. Definitely walking will take you the longest time to reach your destination while riding an airplane will most likely get you there faster.

In our case as money magnets, our goal is to become financially free. We want to become wealthy enough so that in the future we do not have to worry on a daily basis about where to get money to spend for our daily needs. On certain occasions, we may also want extra money for luxurious and leisurely activities. Walking to reach our goal equates to leaving our money in regular savings accounts and time deposits. Although our money earns interest, it will take years before the earnings become meaningful. On the other hand, Feller likens riding a bicycle to investing our money in Investment funds. Investment funds can be either UITFs, Mutual Funds, or Stocks. By investing our savings in Investment funds, we can potentially earn more and reach our goal faster.

Secret №7: Create a bias for Action

This is the secret to just make things happen!

While we are taught to aim before we fire, Feller on the other hand uses “Ready … Fire! Aim …(And fire again … Aim …)” on his projects. Melvin Feller, of course, does not encourage recklessness. That is why the first step is “Ready.” He just wants to discourage what most of us are likely to end up doing — that is to keep on aiming but never fire. As one of the Truly Rich Principles, Feller explains, “For pioneers, perfectionism is never a good strategy.” We must allow ourselves to fail. Moreover, when we do, we must then learn to forgive ourselves and bring ourselves to act again.

Not all success can be counted in dollars; not all richness is measured by money. “The great secret of success is to go through life as a person who never gets used up,” said Albert Schweitzer.
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA
“Retire upon yourself and look for the ultimate cause of things inside you.” Look within yourself for the ultimate inspiration, and follow the true feelings you discover. “One of my favorite methods is to whisper,” said Alfred Hitchcock. “I’ve discovered the best work is done with sweet reason.”

Act upon your own conscience -that guides; that judges your actions and signals your behavior. “Conscience is the inner voice that warns us that someone may be looking,” wrote H.L. Mencken.
Accomplish what you desire; fulfill your inner yearnings. However, do not compromise your deepest feelings. “We do our best that we know how at the moment, and if it doesn’t turn out, we modify it,” said F.D. Roosevelt. Follow the paths that life offers you and live the fullest existence you can.

Look. Look at yourself and look at those who have succeeded throughout history. Do you have what it takes? Even if you have only a few of the qualities of the other great people, you can achieve your heart’s desire.

Reach for the highest, and then reach higher. Accomplish your steps one by one on a daily basis, always moving forward, always making progress. Encourage yourself. Insist that you can succeed and affirm these thoughts daily.
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA
The Rich and How Thy Believe by Melvin Feller MA
Keep a sense of proportion and judge for yourself. Then keep busy at the tasks you have set out to accomplish. What is keeping you? “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration,” said Albert Einstein.

Find inspiration wherever you can. Talk to people; read about people; learn your business or craft.

Believe that you can do it and you will. The only way to dispel the doubt that you can do something is to finish it.

Always be the best you can be. Never fall short from fatigue or lethargy. Do not attempt to do anything that you cannot give your all to.

There is no way to inner satisfaction without appealing to the higher consciousness. Search within and without to find the paths that are meant for you and follow them with conviction and a steady heart. Moreover, you will succeed to become as rich and full as you ever desired.
Harold Ickes wanted the “freedom to live one’s life with the window of the soul open to new thoughts, new ideas and new aspirations.”

In addition, Woody Allen looked for a clear path. “If only God would give me some clear sign” he said. “Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank.”
Finally, Sophie Tucker sums up everyone’s worldly outlook: “I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor,” she said. “Rich is better.”
Melvin Feller MA Business Consultant, Business Owner, Entrepreneur and MBA
Melvin Feller MA Business Consultant, Business Owner, Entrepreneur and MBA
Melvin Feller is known as “The Entrepreneur’s Mentor” because Melvin walks his talk. Melvin Feller has been there and done that and more importantly, Melvin Feller knows how to transfer the skill set for success. This is main reason that he has been the sought after coach to hundreds of small business owners, entrepreneurs, Realtors, real estate investors and service professional internationally. Melvin Feller’s main talent is to show you how the step by step process to build and enjoy a successful 6-figure plus business while having a balanced life. Melvin Feller maintains offices in Texas and Oklahoma.

Melvin Feller MA is in Texas and in Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Group in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.


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