Melvin Feller Discusses Who Makes Money in Real Estate

Melvin Feller Discusses Who Makes Money in Real Estate

Melvin Feller Business Group in Dallas Texas and Lawton Oklahoma. Our mission is to call and equip a generation of Christian entrepreneurs to do business as ministry. We provide workshops and resources that help companies discover how to do business God’s way and provide a positive outreach as the director. When the heart of a business is service rather than self it can be transformed into a fruitful business ministry earning a profit and being of service to the community and their customers. Melvin Feller also owns Melvin Feller Ministries. Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree in business organizations.
Who Makes Money in Real Estate by Melvin Feller
Who Makes Money in Real Estate by Melvin Feller

Lets explore the fascinating question: Who does make money in real estate, and how do they do it?
The specific type of property we’ll focus on in this article concerns residential real estate. It won’t come as earthshaking news to you when most people say that they bought a house in order to live in it. Basically, they chose it because they liked it.
Not all of them do, however. And therein lies a key distinction. Many bought the house not because they were fond of it, but because they hoped you would be. It was purchased for resale. We’ll call the first group “nesters,” the second “investors.”

What makes residential real estate different from, say, common stocks is this: There’s no such thing as a nester in stocks. People don’t buy a stock certificate for personal use. It’s too small to serve as a blanket and doesn’t taste very good. It’s also not much fun to look at for long. That forces them to think about its resale value even before they buy it.

Some people try to apply objective criteria quite consciously, whereas others operate more intuitively. They’re convinced it will appreciate in value, so they make the leap. As often as not they fall on their faces but at least they knew what they were doing — or thought they did.
But in buying a house to live in, personal and investment aspects — subjective and objective criteria — are being mixed. Under the circumstances, nesters might have been expected to do less well than average. As one complained: “I think I let my heart instead of my head guide me in picking this place.”
Who Makes Money in Real Estate by Melvin Feller
Who Makes Money in Real Estate by Melvin Feller

People who are buying houses they intend as their principal place of residence tend to pick properties that are distributed somewhat randomly. Price, the nature of the neighborhood, practical considerations, such as commuting distance to work and the quality of local schools, are deciding factors.

On the other hand, the pattern of purchases made by those who label themselves as deliberate investors, and who are buying the house for resale, is anything but scattered. In fact, the houses they choose tend to be clustered in zones that had been classified as “hot investment areas.” These are towns and streets that have allegedly been targeted for such things as urban renewal, a new shopping center, an industrial park or are in the path of a major new highway.

A reason nesters typically reap a greater profit is the length of time they hold on to the house. The median holding period is almost six years, versus a little under three years for investors. Commission costs and taxes, even at capital gains rates, tell only part of the story of reduced profits. A far more significant factor is that investors repeatedly wound up selling too soon.

There are two conclusions to be drawn from the data. The first is that, thanks to persistently high rates of inflation, investors have looked everywhere to find something of value that will keep pace with the progressive erosion in the purchasing power of their money. The result is that the number of home buyers who now give as their number one reason for purchasing a home, “it’s a good investment,” has nearly tripled in the past two decades, from 26% to 76%.

The second conclusion is that personal judgment is worth more in real estate than anyone has previously imagined. Let me qualify this a bit: You can’t just say, “I love the place, I’ll take it.” There are some hardheaded considerations and technical details that have to be carefully attended to. Yet the bottom line remains the same: If you buy a house because you like it, there will be other people who subsequently will like it too. If you buy it simply because you think it’s a great investment, you’ll probably be paying a premium for it.
Who Makes Money in Real Estate by Melvin Feller
Who Makes Money in Real Estate by Melvin Feller
So make all the computations you want on your calculator. But don’t for a moment discount your fondness for a house when it comes to buying. It’s certainly not true where stocks and bonds are concerned, but buying a house you like strictly for personal reasons increases significantly the chances that you’ll do well when you eventually have to sell it.
Melvin Feller Business Consultant, Business Owner, Melvin Feller ministries and Graduate Student Candidate in Business Organization
Melvin Feller Business Consultant, Business Owner, Melvin Feller ministries and Graduate Student Candidate in Business Organization
Melvin Feller Business Consultants Ministries Group in Texas and Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group and Melvin Feller Ministries in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes and a positive outreach with grace and as a ministries. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.


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